Benjamin Netanyahu

False Rumors
Contrary to Rumors: the Prime Minister will not Make an 'Urgent' Statement

After it was circulated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make an urgent statement to the media this evening - it turns out that the reports are not true. Also, the rumors spread about the abductees are not true.

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel At War, Netanyahu

Netanyahu Responds to the Families: "We will fight to the end, for the sake of the fallen"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu read the letter from the bereaved families at the beginning of the government meeting and pledged that "the will of the fallen is what guides us. We will fight to the end and achieve all our goals".

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

The Day After the War

Netanyahu: "There is a Dispute with the US Regarding the Day After"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the tensions with the US and said that "there are disagreements about 'the day after Hamas' and I hope we will reach an agreement here as well. Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan."

| JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Netanyahu & Biden

Biden Teases Netanyahu: "I do not agree with a single word of yours"

The US President stated that the US will continue to supply Israel with military equipment until Hamas is destroyed, but he made a reservation and said that public opinion could change. On the cases of rape committed by the terrorists: "Everyone must condemn without reservation".

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Difference Between PA and Hamas

Netanyahu Explains: This is the Difference Between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, referred to the day after the war in Gaza, and said that there is one difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

"Head of the Snake"

Ukraine Attacks: "Netanyahu Spoke to the Head of the Snake"

Ukraine's ambassador to Israel responded to the conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that "this is a conversation between the head of a democratic country and the head of the snake, which is a clear and tangible danger to the entire free world."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

Israel At War 

Netanyahu Left the Cabinet Meeting to Talk With Putin

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left the cabinet meeting to talk on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the two talking for about 50 minutes. This is the second conversation between Netanyahu and Putin since the beginning of the war in Gaza.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Israel - Hamas War

Netanyahu: "It is impossible to support the elimination of Hamas while also pushing for ending the fighting"

Against the backdrop of calls for a ceasefire from the world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clarified that "it is impossible to support with one hand the elimination of Hamas and with the other to pressure us to end the war, which will prevent the elimination of Hamas."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Netanyahu and Biden Spoke

After the Expansion of Aid to Gaza: Netanyahu and Biden Talked

For the first time since the resumption of fighting in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with US President Joe Biden. The conversation comes a day after the cabinet approved an increase in the introduction of fuel into the Gaza Strip, which according to reports was accepted due to American pressure.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 07.12.23

"We're Heartbroken"

Netanyahu to Eizenkot: "We're Heartbroken, the People Surround You with Love"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu eulogized the death of Gal Eizenkot, son of former Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot: "Gal was a brave fighter and a true hero. The people surround you with love and gratitude - today and forever."

JFeed Staff | 07.12.23

Laying Siege to Sinwar's House

Netanyahu Confirms: The IDF is Laying Siege to Sinwar's House

In a statement issued by Netanyahu, he confirmed that the IDF forces are surrounding Sinwar's house, he also said that he is exerting pressure to have the Red Cross visit the abductees in Gaza.

| Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Rule of Gaza

Will Abu Mazen Rule Gaza? Netanyahu: "It won't Happen"

After the "Sky News" network reported that Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen is willing to accept control of the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clarified that "as long as I am the Prime Minister of Israel - this will not happen."

JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Press Conference

Gantz: Do not Use the Term 'Settler Violence'

The Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and Minister Gantz held a press conference on the 60th day of the fighting. And they referred to the shuffle in the north: "The arrangement is that active deterrence is being used against Hezbollah and a crushing victory against Hamas."

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 05.12.23

Joint Press Conference

Netanyahu to the Women's Organizations: "You Kept Quiet Because these are Jewish Women?!"

60 days into the war with Hamas, and five days after the ceasefire, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and Minister Benny Gantz at a joint press conference in the Kirya in Tel Aviv. Watch

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 05.12.23


The Biden Administration will Announce: Sanctions Against Settlers who Attacked Arabs

The administration believes that Israel is not doing enough to prevent attacks on Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and is therefore resorting to preventing a number of settlers from entering the United States and putting their names on a blacklist.

JFeed Staff | 05.12.23

Netanyahu Spoke with Millay

For the First Time: Netanyahu Spoke with the President-Elect of Argentina

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Argentina's president-elect Javier Millay, ahead of his inauguration this coming Sunday. In the conversation, Netanyahu thanked Millay for his support for Israel and his commitment to move the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 04.12.23

Families of the Abductees

After They Threatened: the Cabinet will Meet with the Families of the Abductees

After the families of the abductees issued a threat that they would contact world leaders demanding that they help them, the Prime Minister's Office announced that the War Cabinet would hold a meeting with the families tomorrow.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 04.12.23

Situation Assessment

The Prime Minister Held a Situation Assessment with All the Security Forces

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a military situation assessment in an extended meeting with all the security forces and senior politicians. Some of the attendees physically came to the meeting and some participated by phone.

JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

State Budget

Report: Netanyahu is Considering Firing the Senior Minister

The revised state budget for 2023 continues to cause political turmoil, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatening to fire the senior minister who is considering voting against the budget.

JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

Attacks in Gaza, Criticism from Spain

Prime Minister of Spain Criticized Israel; the Ambassador will be Invited to a Reprimand Conversation

In light of the words of the Prime Minister of Spain that Israel is not complying with international law for the attacks it is carrying out in Gaza, Netanyahu instructed the Foreign Minister to summon the Spanish ambassador for a reprimand.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.11.23